Making an ICBC Claim
In order to submit a claim for compensation to ICBC, you must report details of the accident to them within 30 days of when it occurred. Within 90 days of the accident, you will need to fill out and submit an accident benefits claim which includes a detailed list of your injuries and symptoms.
What Happens After You Submit Your Claim?
ICBC Investigation
After you have submitted your claim and accident report, ICBC will open an investigation into the accident in order to determine who, if anybody, was at fault. An ICBC investigator may need to question you and anyone else involved in the accident about what happened. These interviews can be tricky and things that you say may be used against you in ways you don’t expect, so it is always best to consult with a lawyer before one of these interviews.
After the investigation is completed, ICBC will come to a conclusion about who was at fault for the accident.
What if I Disagree with ICBC’s Liability Determination?
If you disagree with ICBC’s fault determination, you can dispute it. You can do this by either requesting an independent arbiter to reevaluate the case, or in certain circumstances you can dispute it through the Civil Resolution Tribunal. Either way, disputing a determination can be tricky and you have a much better chance of success if you hire a lawyer with experience in ICBC cases.
How a Lawyer Can Help
Dealing with ICBC can be difficult, time-consuming, and complicated. Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer is always recommended when seeking compensation after a road accident to make the process easier on you and help you get what you are owed.
Get in touch with Hoogbruin and Company today for a consultation to discuss your claim and determine what your next steps should be.