Dooring and Bicycle Safety
“Dooring” is the act of opening the door of a parked car into the path of cyclists and other traffic when it is not safe to do so. This is a major risk to cyclists, who are commonly injured by running into car doors that are unexpectedly opened into the road. In an effort to promote bicycle safety, the government of BC has quadrupled the fine for dooring. As of September 1, 2020, the fine for opening your car door when it is not reasonably safe to do so and causing an accident is $368.
Have you been the victim of a dooring incident? Talk to a lawyer now!
What is the Dutch Reach?
The Dutch Reach is the technique of using your far hand as opposed to your near hand to open your car door before you get out of a vehicle. Using your far hand forces your entire body to swivel towards the window and will make cyclists visible if they are present. Getting into this habit when exiting your vehicle can save someone’s life.
As drivers, we pose a serious risk to cyclists not only while driving but also while parked! It is essential that drivers always take cyclists’ safety into account when navigating the road, whether it is in traffic or when opening a door.
If you are a cyclist that has been injured in a dooring incident, you may be eligible for compensation for your pain and suffering. Give us a call today for a consultation with a lawyer.
Talk to a lawyer: 604-330-0358