Land ownership disputes are very common and they can get ugly fast. This is because a land ownership dispute infringes on the way a person is allowed to enjoy the property that they live on, and when two parties have differing views on how this should be done, the dispute often turns to litigation.
If you are dealing with a land ownership dispute and require legal assistance, get in touch with the experienced lawyers at Hoogbruin today by calling 604-343-3077 today.
Common Land Ownership Disputes
The most common land ownership disputes are not about who rightfully owns a particular property, but rather the following:
- Boundary lines – disagreements on where the boundary lines between two properties lie
- Easements – a specific person, group, or organization may have the right to use a certain portion of a landowner’s property for a distinct purpose
- Encroachment – a neighbour builds something that is either on or overhanging into someone else’s property.
- Trespassing – parties enter a landowner’s property without explicit permission
- Nuisances – odours, loud noises, and other disruptions from a neighbouring property that negatively impact the landowner’s ability to use and enjoy their property
Why Hire a Lawyer for a Land Ownership Dispute?
If you are dealing with a serious land ownership dispute that you are not able to resolve easily on your own, it is highly recommended that you speak to a lawyer about your situation. Property law is complex and can operate differently depending on the nuances of your case.
When you hire a land ownership dispute lawyer, they can help you with the following:
- Attempt to resolve the dispute out of court
- Determine whether your proposed course of action is legally justified
- Communicate with the other party to inform them of the legal validity of your complaint and your intention to pursue legal action if the dispute is not resolved
- Seek damages by filing a lawsuit on your behalf to the appropriate court
Choosing a lawyer with a significant amount of experience in land ownership disputes can help ensure that you are working with someone who is aware of the best way to approach your case and to get the best possible outcome. At Hoogbruin & Company, our team of lawyers have a wealth of knowledge and experience in land ownership dispute claims.
Reach us at:
1166 Alberni Street Vancouver