From the very beginning it best to have all your communication with an insurance company go through your personal injury lawyer.
If you are in a car crash you are required by law to report your crash to ICBC. However, we strongly recommend that you contact Hoogbruin & Company prior to contacting ICBC. While you have an obligation to cooperate with ICBC in the crash investigation, you are not required to meet with ICBC. It is appropriate and best to have communication with ICBC (or any other insurance company for that matter) occur through us.
Why do we say this? Because we want to ensure that when the accident that led to your injury is reported to the inurance company, it is reported and recorded as accurately as possible while at the same time protecting your privacy rights. For instance, often a car crash victim will go into ICBC unrepresented, still in pain, on medication, confused about the crash details, and the process, only to be interviewed by a busy ICBC adjuster who may not have the time to conduct a full and proper interview and may, knowingly or unknowingly, attempt to obtain information from you they are not entitled to obtain. We have the experience to know what information to obtain before contacting your insurer, what information they need to know, and what information they are entitled to know.
Similarly, as your case progresses, it is best to continue to have all communication with your insurer go through your personal injury lawyer to ensure your privacy is protected to the fullest extent possible under the law.
As well, running all communication through your personal injury lawyer should reduce your stress and permit you to devote more time and energy to your recovery.