Your search for just the right real estate property can be navigated to success with a good real estate agent when you look for your dream home or a great development opportunity. When it’s near the time to complete agreements, a real estate lawyer may be the person you need to steer you correctly around difficult or costly decisions. As an experienced real estate litigator, Arsen Krekovic with Hoogbruin & Company helps buyers and sellers negotiate disputes in the BC real estate market that may be resolved with good counsel or may require heading to court.
Some of the common pitfalls and hidden problems that disrupt real estate deals have been covered previously in our blog. Find posts on breach of contract; misrepresentations or fraud; issues with the title or property ownership; or defects here and more on the website.
In this article we look at other real estate pitfalls that you may encounter.
Avoid these hidden problems when buying or selling residential or commercial real estate property in BC
- Environmental issues: Environmental hazards on the property, such as soil contamination or hazardous waste, may mean you need to pursue legal action to protect your health and safety.
- Construction defects: Defects or issues with the quality of the construction, may require that you recover damages or negotiate a resolution.
- Zoning and land use issues: Regulations pertaining to issues with zoning or land use could impact your use of the property. It is helpful to seek legal advice to understand your rights and options.
- Easements: The legal right to use someone else’s property for a specific purpose, such as access to a public road, are generally created by agreement or by law. It’s important to understand any existing easements that may affect the use or value of the property.
- Encroachments: When a neighbour or another party unlawfully uses or builds on your property, or when your property unlawfully extends onto a neighboring property, it is called an encroachment. This type of real estate dispute can be complex and is best handled by a real estate litigation specialist who can help with legal action to resolve it.
- Leases: There may be legal issues to consider if the property you’re buying or selling is leased to a tenant. Among the ongoing issues are the terms of the lease, the rights of the tenant, and the obligations of the landlord.
Getting timely legal advice from an experienced real estate litigation lawyer means you can have guidance and representation throughout the process of buying or selling property. It can help you avoid far greater and costly troubles.
Arsen Krekovic is a real estate litigation lawyer known for his personalized advice and representation based on your needs and goals.
Contact us here to reach us via our website
1166 Alberni Street Vancouver