If you are focusing on your phone while walking–whether that means texting, reading email, playing games, watching videos, or listening to music, you are more likely to be involved in a pedestrian accident.
Is Distracted Walking Illegal?
There are no laws against distracted walking here in Vancouver, but it is a very serious issue that should not be ignored. You are still obligated to pay due care as a pedestrian and should do so for your own safety. ICBC may also determine that a distracted pedestrian is partially at fault for an accident even though they did not break the law.Crossing an intersection while distracted by a digital device increases your risk of injury significantly and you should always keep safety at the forefront when you are walking through a busy area.
How to Reduce Distraction When Walking
Put your phone away when crossing the street.Focus on your surroundings and pay attention to traffic, don’t just rely on the stop lights to dictate when and where you walk.If you like to listen to music or podcasts on your commute, take off your headphones (don’t just mute the volume) when crossing any intersections.Try not to take phone calls while walking in a busy area.
Injured in a Pedestrian Accident?
If you were involved in a pedestrian accident or have lost a loved one due to a pedestrian accident, you may be eligible for compensation. In this type of situation, it is important to hire a lawyer with the skills and experience you can trust. At Hoogbruin and Company, our lawyers have extensive experience dealing with ICBC and all types of personal injury. We are committed to helping you get what you’re entitled to during this difficult time. Book a consultation with one of our lawyers today.